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Living on purpose 

with Mary Wuerdeman


Mary Wuerdeman is a certified health coach and has spent the past 12 years helping people work through difficulties in their lives. From physical wellness to emotional challenges, Mary's expertise as a health coach and a grief specialist has given her the tools to walk her own path and the ability to guide others on theirs.

Women in midlife and beyond can feel a little lost and anxious about what is to come.

Lifestyle shifts like becoming an empty nester, boredom, divorce, menopause, the death of a loved one or many other shifts can leave us feeling confused or uncertain.

Change is unavoidable.

When life changes happen we can either resign ourselves to living out a life we didn't want or intend or we can use the change as a catalyst to dig in and create a life that glows with passion, purpose and joy.  If you're looking to live a life on purpose, you're in the right place! Welcome!!



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The Story

My life journey so far looks looks like a richly woven tapestry full of deep vibrant colors and dark, muted hues. It is beautiful and full of contrast…just like life!
It’s light and bright yet also dark and shadowy too.
That is the nature of life…
I’ve experienced wonderfully high highs and
and really low lows.
Perhaps you can relate….
What I know from my experience is that eating healthy real food, moving my body and practicing self care has given me the tools and the space to show up for my life. They help me to stay present enough to see and “be” in the joyful moments. They have also been my saving grace during my darkest days…
I’m sharing recipes and lifestyle tips because I hope to inspire you to find the healthy habits that help you feel good, be well so that  you can show up fully  to your life.
So that you can absorb every drop of joy possible from life and to also  provide a soft landing when you need it.
We only get to do this thing called life once….
I invite you to come with me on this journey and Let’s do this!

For years, I have served as a useful source to those seeking inspiration or nutritional advice. However, it wasn't until my son, Brian, passed that I fully appreciated just how profoundly healing the practices of eating well, moving and self love really are.  I finally decided to own my healing journey, to share it and be intentional about it. I love sharing about real food, movement, healing practices...and delicious recipes. 

Take some time to explore the blog and enjoy the mouthwatering recipes. Reach out to work with me, collaborate with me and let me know how I can help you on your journey

With lots of love,




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