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New Beginnings

2022 is coming to an end…

It has been full of lessons, full of stories, and full of experiences.

I’ve faced a lot…perhaps you have too…

If you’re like me, maybe you have been searching for the meaning of what you have been going through, sometimes finding it and sometimes not finding it.

Perhaps, in some cases, you may have just found more questions…

Or maybe you lost interest or decided to surrender in finding answers altogether, at least for a while.

Some of the experiences or “lessons” I’ve faced this year have been easy to grasp.

I can assimilate and internalize many of those lessons. I also appreciate and celebrate what they have taught me.

I can see how they will propel me forward…

I can see how they are helping me uncover “me” and the essence of who I truly am…

Other “lessons”….not so much…

I don’t quite understand them and I surrender to those…for now…

I trust that they are also propelling me forward and helping me to grow, expand, evolve and become more authentically me.

As I sit here with it all, as I attempt to take it all in…

I feel resistance, I feel a bit conflicted and a little unsettled…

As if I’m on the brink of something…

Like there is something just out of my reach that I am trying to reel in…

I also feel grateful….and a little excited too…

Because there is a knowing deep within me that everything I’ve experienced this year (and everything you’ve experienced this year too) is coming together to birth something new in this coming new year…

That is amazing.

None of it has been random or a coincidence

So I honor it all…

I lovingly and compassionately let go of what I don’t need to carry forward into this beautiful new start and I hope you will do the same..

I want to take the wisdom and the uncertainty of my experiences from 2022 and bring them forward to create something worthy of all that I’ve faced.

All of it!

The laughter. The tears. The sorrow. The joy.

The ups and the downs…

All of those experiences are coming together to form a new version of me…and you…

Because of that I can’t wait to see what you and I will create in 2023…

Who will you be in 2023?

What do want to create?

Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year full of love and laughter...

Happy New Year!

With lots of love and gratitude,



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